How To Find That "Sweet Spot" With Your CBD
It is impossible to tell you how much CBD you need because each persons body type and metabolism is very different. Below is a very simple chart which can be used as a baseline in beginning your journey receiving all the health benefits of CBD.
Typically, CBD dosaging begins with 1 mg per 10lbs of weight for someone who just wants the health benefits of CBD and 5 mg per 10lbs of weight for more severe conditions. Simply choose where you are at to the left and pick your weight.
***** Dogs: Best to begin with 1mg per 10lbs of weight like humans and titrate up as described below. Dogs have the same cannabinoid receptors as we do.
***** Cats: Double - 2mg per 10lbs of weight... Even though cats are smaller (most cases) they don't have as many cannabinoid receptors as humans and dogs so they need twice the amount to see the same effects.
This is only a baseline chart, you will need to titrate up until you find your "Sweet Spot". We will show you how...

FDA Disclaimer: The efficacy of these products have not had FDA approved research and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented is not a substitute for or alternative to healthcare practitioners.*
If you are taking your CBD by capsule or gummies they are already pre-dosed for you which makes it much easier to know exactly what you are taking. Although, with the tinctures you can titrate up a little at a time. Here is how to convert the milligrams to milliliters for your dropper.
1. I don't have any condition, I would like to have the health benefits of CBD and I weight 150lbs. Based on the chart above, you will look under MILD and over to your weight.
150 lbs x 1 mg per 10 lbs = 15 mg
You should begin with 15 mg of CBD daily.
If you purchase the 250 mg Tincture you will have 16.66 servings available @ 15 mg daily. (250 mg/15 mg = 16.66) You will be consuming almost 2 whole droppers each serving. (8.33 mg x 2 = 16.66 mg)
If you purchase the 500 mg Tincture you will have 33.33 servings available @ 15 mg daily. (500 mg/15 mg = 33.33) You will be consuming almost 1 full dropper daily. (16.66 mg per dropper)
If you purchase the 1,000 mg Tincture you will have 66.66 servings available @ 15 mg daily. (1000 mg/15 mg = 66.66) You will be consuming almost a half dropper only. (half dropper is 16.66 mg)
**** Based off of your weight and consumption it would make monetary sense for you to purchase a 1,000 mg Tincture.
1. I have a more sever condition and would like to see if CBD can help me. I weight 150lbs. Based on the chart above, you will look under SEVERE and over to your weight.
150 lbs x 5 mg per 10 lbs = 50 mg
You should begin with 50 mg of CBD daily.
If you purchase the 250 mg Tincture you will have 5 servings available @ 50 mg daily. (250/50 = 5) You will be consuming 6 whole droppers each serving. (8.33 mg x 6 = 49.98 mg)
If you purchase the 500 mg Tincture you will have 10 servings available @ 50 mg daily. (500 mg/50 mg = 10) You will be consuming almost 3 full dropper daily. (16.66 mg x 3 = 49.98)
If you purchase the 1,000 mg Tincture you will have 20 servings available @ 50 mg daily. (1000 mg/50 mg = 20) You will be consuming 1 1/2 droppers daily. (33.33 mg + 16.66 mg = 49.99 mg)
**** Based off of your weight and consumption it would make monetary sense for you to purchase a 1,000 mg Tincture or higher. CBD Tinctures go up over 6,000 mg per Tincture. If you are needing something higher than 1,000 mg please contact us so we can help you.
DAY 1 - 4
Take 1/2 your daily dosage in morning and in evening.
DAY 5 - 9
Increase your dosage by 1/4 in morning and in evening
DAY 10 - 14
Increase your dosage to 3 x's daily
Continue to increase your dosage by 1/4 every 3 - 4 days until you reach your Sweet Spot and see the results your are seeking. Timing in results will vary in each person due to metabolism, medications, conditions, prior exposure, age, and genetics. So be sure to contact your physician if you are medications to let them know your are taking CBD.
A review of potential side effects in humans found that CBD was well tolerated across a wide dose range, up to 1500 mg/day (orally), with no reported psychomotor slowing, negative mood effects, or vital sign abnormalities noted. (NIH National Library of Medicine)
Please feel free to contact us anytime with your questions 1-(833)P39-HLTH (739-4584) or info@p39enterprise.com